Day 8 – Why you should read more!

      8 Comments on Day 8 – Why you should read more!


The Man who does not read has no advantage over the Man who cannot read!”

This is one of my favourite quotes by Mark Twain – I completely agree.


It might seem and sound absolutely crazy, but unfortunately, I do know many people that do not read. And many justify it by saying that they just don’t like it. Now, this post is not about making judgements, but I often wonder how is possible that someone doesn’t enjoy reading???

I can understand people that are very busy and don’t read as much as they would like to but to not to like it?? How can you not be fan of books, which basically means knowledge, freedom and ultimately POWER to yourself?

Lets be real here, books are one of the best things ever created by humans. Our minds are shaped by words so nothing can reach our minds quite the same way as a book which is the natural home for words.

Some of my fav books

Some of my fav books


So when I look specially at these new millennials, it sadness me and worries me that many of them seem absolutely not interested in picking up a book as they are too busy fiddling their technological gadgets and maintaining their social media platforms.

But why is reading so important? Well, easily, there are 927463874 reasons but I will tell you which ones I consider more important to me:

1. The acquisition of wisdom;

2. It exercises and cultivates your mind;

3. The enjoyment of art;

4. It develops your imagination;

5. The pleasure of entertainment.


Reading books help us dream. It opens our mind and helps us look at other people’s points of view and realize how unique each of us are. Fortunately we have the liberty to take in whatever we find useful and discard whatever we deem inappropriate. Reading simply opens up a whole endless world and it certainly makes us more powerful.



Check my video to see some of my fav books. Would love to know which ones are your favourite.


Happy reading,



8 thoughts on “Day 8 – Why you should read more!

  1. Joanie

    Hi Emma,
    I think my problem is i choose to read before bed and that never seems to get me past 5 pages lol! I do enjoy the feeling I get from reading and need to find a way to make it a daily habit! Or just decide to do it…thanks lady!!!

    1. emmaolmi Post author

      It is not easy Joanie, I admit but its a question of controlling your mind ahahah. One thing I do, is not allowing myself to sleep before reading at least 30min… trust me , it can be hard ahahah but you force it and then becomes habit =) xxx

  2. Pingback: Day 14 - Get Your Daily Dose of Free Inspiration While Cultivating Your Mind - Footprints In The Clouds

  3. Bia Miranda

    On the Portuguese side I can say that I love Fernando Pessoa. I love his work so much.
    And of course I love theatre plays!


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