The Show must go on!

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“So what’s next Emma?”

“Are you back in Europe to stay?”

“Are you still going to travel more?”

“Is it time to settle down?”

“Why are you back?”


Those are the questions I have been asked EVERYDAY since the moment I landed in Europe.

And my answer has always been the same: “I will let you know soon…”


The truth is, I didn’t really have an answer to any of them.

I didn’t really know what I wanted to do, or better yet, what should I do.

For the first time in a long time, I felt lost. My focus was gone.


Being back in Europe was such an unexpected thing, a spur of the moment decision as they say. I didn’t really give it too much thought until I landed, as I didn’t want to get too excited and just go with the flow as I always do.

But nothing really prepared me for what happened next.
In the middle of so many tragedies and unpredictable situations, I felt like I was falling into a deep dark hole and it was getting harder and harder to come back to the surface.
There was so much going on but the last straw was when the health of those you love is involved, you cannot afford to be selfish.

I kept asking myself every day what should I do. The answer became more clear as the days went by… I knew I wasn’t done, and honestly, I don’t think I ever will be.

Yeah, there might come a day that I might want to do different things, and perhaps have more “stability” but traveling will always be part of who I am. I’ve got the bug… and no one will ever be able to take it out of my body.

So after a deserved rest with my family and friends in Europe, and after sorting a few issues, I am now ready to go back to the road and couldn’t be more excited about it!!!!

Usually not a big fan of planning too much as I love having space for spontaneity, but to be fair, so far, all I have planned was to plan as little as possible. Crazy thing is, what I have planned so far, a rough itinerary, is totally random. Actually, If a couple of months ago you would’ve told me I was going to be doing this route, I probably would be laughing at you.

So my brand new unexpected plan is …. “DRUMS ROLL”


I have now decided I want to visit some parts of the Middle East =)

Middle East

Middle East


When I was younger, my first big international trip was to Israel. I fell in love with how different everything was! I remember clearly that from that moment on, I knew I wanted to travel as much as possible and absorb as many cultures and diversity as I could. I was 9. Later on I end up visiting Turkey with my family and fell in love again with the culture and diversity.

And that was it, that was the only experience I had in the Middle East.

I must confess one of the reasons I never really visited the Middle East as my own option (both Israel and Turkey were family trips when I was a kid), was because my values and what I stand for when it comes to human rights, more specifically women rights. I never felt like I would enjoy visiting a place where it’s obvious that women aren’t treated as equal. However, one of the best things about traveling is that it opens your mind and you have to let prejudices go… So I am hoping that the Middle East will prove me that I was wrong and that things might not be as bad as I imagine. I want to learn more and hopefully have pleasant surprises. I will let you know =)


But where am I going?

Not only Middle East… I will in fact continue my “old” plan to travel Oceania.

For now I have decided to visit United Arabs Emirates, Jordan, Iran and Oman. This is the plan for the time being… lets see if I can get in all of them :p and who knows, maybe add some on the way.



I still want to visit Sri Lanka as I haven’t managed to visit last year and potentially explore more of Malaysia and its beautiful islands and beaches.

Returning to Indonesia (I haven’t been there in 5 years) is also in the cards.

To visit Timor East is definitely a must.

And then finally do Australia, New Zealand and perhaps add Fiji.

So this is the rough plan at the moment, always open to change it :p

Best is that I have several friends in many of the places I am going and really looking forward to meet with you guys.

So please let me know if you live or will visit any of these places as it would be great meet up with you 🙂
Also, if you have suggestions on where else to go around there, please let me know 😀


As for the blog, now that everything is explained and you know what I have been upto, I want to let you know that I will be writing about the new adventures and experiences but, I will also be telling about what happened last year and share a lot of info, adventures and curiosities of my experiences in Asia that I haven’t had the opportunity to share yet.


Looking forward to keep leaving my footprints all over the clouds, and hopefully you’ll keep following.




10 thoughts on “The Show must go on!

  1. Danny wolsey

    Great piece Emma !! I love that you always write from the heart and nowhere ing your reasons I think it’s really great you are going to the Middle East .. It is the The last place I would ever have predicted you exploring, and for this reason it will be even more intriguing hearing your views on the region and to see in the words of Lady GaGa what really lies underneath the burka :)) xx

    1. emmaolmi Post author

      AHAHAHAH thank you Danny. Love the Lady Gaga comment and I will let you know what really goes underneath the Burka. 😀

  2. Danny wolsey

    Predictive text ruined the first part of my comments but I meant to say ” NOW knowing your reasons for visiting the Middle East I think it’s a great idea and it will be very intresting to see your views on the region xx

  3. Shaun

    This is so exciting Emma.
    Looking forward to read about your new adventures that I am sure you will live xx

    1. emmaolmi Post author

      ahahah Shaun, as long as I dont get arrested, it will all be good fun – I am hoping ;p
      Thank you =)

  4. Andrea Morris

    You are so brave Emma and is always so inspiring to read you blog.
    Now I call that being spontaneous and open!!! well done.
    Looking forward to the new adventures in the Arabias hihihi!!!!

    1. emmaolmi Post author

      Aww thank you Andrea, thats very kind of you. And I am also looking forward to share my new (and old adventures) with you all xxx


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