Neither Here Nor There…

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It has been a while now… my last “real” trip was to Japan, back in 2019… but it feels like a lifetime ago as so much has happened… I went through a pregnancy, started a new job, gave birth to the most wonderful baby boy, spent (and still spending) 24/7 with him staring at his smile, started to study again, and lived (and still living) through a pandemic…

It has been pretty surreal this last year, to all of us I believe. And I confess that having a baby, still made it the most amazing year yet to me, for real. But I won’t deny that my entire body, my soul, my mind, screams every day, craving that magical feeling I was so used to…  traveling!

You see, I was planning to show the world to my baby, and we were doing well because by the time he was 6 months he had already visited 3 countries… Had so many dreams and goals that had to be put on hold… Many swimming suits and hats that have outgrown him and were never used, travel guides that were bought but not read… So many explorations that didn’t happen. So many flight tickets that turned into vouchers or refunds… and here we are, still waiting for some sort of normality to come so I can feel alive back at my habitat, and my baby can start seeing the world, as I promised him.

However, not all is bad. I am currently multitasking between packing and writing this blog, as I will be flying in a few hours to Portugal, which is home. But I am anxious as had dozens of flights being canceled in the past few months, so I am genuinely hoping that this flight will happen and Romeo and I will be able to spend Christmas with our family!!!

And for the time being,  until I manage to explore again, I will continue to just focus on traveling through books and documentaries.

Just read this inspiring extract from the marvelous Bill Bryson, and wanted to share with you, as it really describes how I feel when I travel to a new place … “Neither Here nor There”…!

But that’s the glory of foreign travel, as far as I am concerned. I don’t want to know what people are talking about. I can’t think of anything that excites a greater sense of childlike wonder than to be in a country where you are ignorant of almost everything. Suddenly you are five years old again. You can’t read anything, you have only the most rudimentary sense of how things work, you can’t even reliably cross a street without endangering your life. Your whole existence becomes a series of interesting guesses.

Bill Bryson, Neither Here nor There: Travels in Europe 

Much Love,

Emma xoxo

1 thought on “Neither Here Nor There…

  1. Fabiane e Camile (do Brasil)

    Oi Emma! Tudo bem? Aqui é a Fabiane e a Camile do Brasil! Quanto tempo! Como vc está? Estamos aqui, sentadas no sofá vendo vídeos de viagens, já que também não podemos viajar para lugar nenhum e um dos vídeos falando da China nos fez lembrar de vc, então resolvemos dar uma passadinha aqui pra ver como você está. Que notícia linda vc ter virado mãe! Nós duas estamos a anos na fila da adoção e acreditamos que até o final do ano nossa menininha chegue também! Quem sabe em uma próxima viagem não nos encontramos com nossos filhos juntos? <3
    Enfim. Passamos para dar um oi e ver se está tudo bem por aí. Afinal a pandemia é no Mundo todo, né.
    Que logo as coisas voltem ao normal para que possamos continuar com nossas viagens. Também não aguentamos mais ficar no sofá! hahahaha Um beijo e um abraço apertado! Fabi e Mile


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